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Sunday, October 21, 2018

Realtime noise-removal with PulseAudio? [linux]

I started reading a lot about PulseAudio and "hidden" options it had so I could find one that was similar to this question. The one I found was the noise-cancellation module, which is one that dramatically lowers any static noise on the microphone and even A LOT of the background noise, basically giving you the benefit of only recording your own voice with excellent quality (For audio recording for example). To do this follow this steps:
  1. sudo nano /etc/pulse/default.pa
  2. Add the following line anywhere on the file, but I recommend almost at the end where you will find a comment about Echo Cancellation stuff (~line 140):
    load-module module-echo-cancel
  3. Reload PulseAudio (pulseaudio -k) or simply restart the computer. You should be able to select the new Noise Cancellation option from the Input Device Section:

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