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Monday, August 6, 2018


Finding Minimum number between 2 number is quite quite quite easy in any Programming Language. We just have to use comparison operator (<,>,<=,>=,==). In  this case we gonna make use of < operator.

class Minof2{

      public static void main(String args[]){

      //taking value as command line argument.

      //Converting String format to Integer value

      int i = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);

      int j = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);

      int result = (i<j)?i:j;

      System.out.println(result+" is a minimum value");



In this program ternary operator (? : ) is used  which basic idea is:


if condition is true then true statement will be excuted or it's value will be assigned to another variable or value will be returned as per program designed .
and same for false;

In this Example,

int result = (i<j)?i:j;

Here lets say i = 5, j=20;


so we have int result = (5 < 20)?5:20;
(I am just replacing the value and checking for your ease)

From the above statement we can analyze that 5 < 20 so, it's true then after question mark condition we have is true so we got 5 , which will be stored inside integer result..and it will be printed out.

It's that's so easy.

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